Contact us

how can we help?

Our online customer service team are on hand to help and answer any questions about your online or in-store shopping.


+33 187 21 26 77

Our online customer service team is available to help you Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (UTC+1).

email us

Kindly note, we may monitor or record your communications for training and quality control.

social media

Instagram, Facebook

Contact us

how can we help?

Our online customer service team are on hand to help and answer any questions about your online or in-store shopping.


+33 187 21 26 77

Our online customer service team is available to help you Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (UTC+1).

email us

Kindly note, we may monitor or record your communications for training and quality control.

social media

Instagram, Facebook